Update 5/3/2020: Starting Monday, 5/4/2020 MPH will resume shipping of black powder. While the State of Maine is still under a partial ‘closed for business’, MPH can still ship product since all orders are placed either online or by phone, and there is zero contact with the public. At this time, I will not be meeting people for pick ups. Please check back for updates as we progress. It’s been a long 6 weeks, I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Thank you for your continued support. Pauline
How The Maine Powder House (MPH) is Responding to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Like most of you, I’ve been watching the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic very closely as it continues to have a dramatic impact on business, supplies and our daily lives. I wanted to share an update on what MPH is doing during this crisis that has reached so many of us.
In alignment with official recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), I have been practicing the following:
- Frequently cleaning hands and surfaces with sanitizers & disinfectants
- Practicing social distancing
- Being self aware – watching for symptoms
One question that has been asked is it safe to receive packages through the mail or shipping services. According to the WHO and CDC, the likelihood of this being transmitted through these types of delivery services is considered low. However, watching recent actions, such as the State of California issuing a state wide ‘stay at home’ policy, and my own State of Maine involved in the non-essential transport restrictions into and out of Canada, I thought it prudent to re-evaluate my daily operations to do my part in the effort to stop the spread.
Starting the week of 3/23/2020, I will be suspending shipments (will reevaluate on a weekly basis). Although according to the WHO and CDC the spread of the virus is unlikely through cardboard packaging, UPS delivery drivers, are being asked to make contact with the public daily as they are an essential service to our country. Black powder is not an essential item, groceries, disinfectants and medicines are, and I would like to make an effort in helping them and this country get back on our feet.
Is this a preemptive strike? Yes, but one I feel necessary at this time. I will still take orders (I’ll just be holding them) and when the time comes, will immediately process them first come first serve.
I will be closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as things change. In the meantime, please make sure you are taking steps to be conscious of risks, and seek medical attention if you feel unwell. You can visit the CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html to get your FAQs or guidelines on how to keep you and your family safe during this crisis.
My commitment is not only to you, but also to my community and country. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please be safe and we will get through this crisis stronger than ever.